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Automate Death By Captcha in botchief developer

ReplyThanks 2016/09/30 03:25:55 0 0

Operating System:Windows 8

Operating System Bit:32bit

Software Version:developer version

Need help =[ First time ever creating a bug and im at the end of creating one to create multiple user accounts for me for a website, so I signed up for death by captcha and purchased a package from them How do I enter the action for my bug? I went to captcha options and settings and entered my user name and password for death by captcha also. Do i enter it under the captcha action? or variable control? and if so how? this is the second to last step PLEASE HELP! thanks.
2016/09/30 04:51:20
Hello, there is a post to show you how to solve the recaptcha. Please go to view it first. Thanks
Please do not post the same question twice, and please post it on the right forum, thanks

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